
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Frosting Chair

Bentwood Chair Upcycle!


This chair was found by my mother in law at a garage sale for $5. Of course I just knew something cute could come of it! So I dug through some fabric scraps and found an unused can of spray paint and got to it. It was a little trickier than I had originally anticipated. Normally when I do a chair, the seat comes out and makes it really easy to upholster but not this one! I had to peel off the fabric trim that was glued on, then rip off fabric and tear out staples. It was a mess. But I powered through. Then I had to start stapling my new fabric down... not so easy when there are chair pieces blocking the area you need to staple. But I think I did it just fine! Painted... check. Upholstered... check! Now I just needed to find some trim to cover up my messy, stapled, raw fabric area. No big deal. I hit up the local fabric store in search of upholstery trim. Lo and behold there were SO MANY choices!! So I bought 3. A neutral, a frilly one, and a bright green one (it was like 75% of too - bonus!) The neutral was ehhh, the green was fabulous but the blue rosette was my absolute favorite! It was so girly and added just the right touch of chic to this little chair's shabbiness! Got the hot glue gun out, applied the trim, and this little baby was good to go! I think the rosette trim looks just like the frosting on a cake, this chair just makes me want to go sit in a little cupcake shop or ice cream parlor. So cute!

Total cost: $15


Old fabric torn off, spray painted white.

New fabric stapled on, as you can see the edges are pretty rough!

Here she is, I just adore the rosette trim!!

It just looks like cake frosting, it's adorable!

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