
Friday, December 9, 2011

Swiss Steak and Haircuts.

Today I attempted to give my child her first haircut. And Lordy, Lordy that was a fiasco! She knows scissors are "dangerous" so every time I tried to get near her hair she would scream and wiggle and cry.... really loud. I had to cut the back while she sat on the floor playing with my makeup, which was pretty successful. I just had to be super sneaky when I brought the scissors up towards her head. The front was a different story... I  had to wrap her in a towel like a baby burrito to get her hands out of the way and then had to make sure i didn't poke her eye out. I would say that it was incredibly difficult and I wish I could pay someone to come to my house and do it for me next time. I only poked her with the scissors once. hehe. I joke. I'm just glad I didn't take her out in public to try to cut her hair because that tantrum she threw would have been so embarrassing in public, and I hate subjecting innocent people to her. She's crazy and I feel bad when she loses her sh*t in public, mostly I just hate the looks people give me when she goes bonkers, like I'm a terrible mom for not being able to control my child. Well, guess what folks!? Sometimes I can't control her and I'm pretty sure she controls me at this point. She's 2. It is the beginning of the end. And I tried to do a before/after photo of her but that didn't quite work out so I will continue attempting to get a picture of her and get one up here soon!

And now, dinner of the week was Easy Swiss Steak! (not sure why they call it "Swiss" there's not even any cheese in it which really upset me)
1 - 1.5 lb round steak
2 Tbsp shortening (Crisco)
1- 10 oz. Can Golden Mushroom Soup
1 can Diced Tomato - I don't know the ounces, just use the average size.
1/4 c. chopped onion
1/4 c. chopped green pepper
salt & pepper to taste
1 c. flour
1/4 c. cornstarch

Add the shortening to an electric skillet (that's what the directions I have say, but since I do not own one of those I just use a normal skillet on the stove) so, add your Crisco in the skillet, it will melt in about 3 seconds... or maybe longer. I just made that up.
Who DOESN'T love cooking with this stuff!? I'm just glad it's so healthy. hahaha.

Mix the flour and cornstarch in a bowl. Set aside.

Put this sh*t in a bowl. C'mon now, it's not hard!
Now get your round steak. You can either cut it in half where there's that line of fat, and make 2 large pieces. But I didn't do that, I diced mine up into about 8 small pieces, so they would cook faster. I coated them in the flour/cornstarch mix and then stuck them in the pan and got them nice and crispy. You just need to brown them but I wanted mine crispy so I let them cook a little longer.

Take your chopped onion, pepper, tomatoes, and mushroom soup and add them to the skillet. Add salt and pepper then turn to med-low and let simmer for 1-2 hours. However long it takes for the meat to become tender. You can add water to maintain moisture towards the end. I would also suggest putting a lid on your skillet. I didn't have one of those either... I am a total failure in the kitchen, so I put a pan over the top of my skillet to keep moisture in. You gotta work with what you have!

Here you have it! It looks like nasty sh*t but it's my boyfriend's favorite meal.
Serve with mashed potatoes, or over rice. Or don't serve it with anything. No one really cares.

Now that that's done, wanna see a funny picture of my kid sleeping? She's such a goof!!

Oh! One more thing. Is it acceptable to duct tape your child's diaper onto them to get them to keep it on? Kinsley will not wear her diaper and takes them off all the time and hides them from me. Then, she will proceed to either pee or sh*t on the floor. But she will NOT sit on the toilet to try to pee because it "scares her". Geeeeez. I'm such a lucky mom, I know. If you have any helpful advice onto how I can get her to use the big girl potty I would greatly accept ALL of it! At this point I am willing to try everything. Keep in mind, my child DOES not listen to me, so trying to tell her she can get stickers or candy if she goes potty does not work.


  1. I am seriously loving this!!! As far as the diaper thing goes.... Let's get her potty trained!! I will help you :)

  2. Pleeeease help me :) I can't take it anymore!!!!
